Hello Community !

I (from Belgium) would like to re-unite ASAP with my GF who ''unfortunately'' has a pretty bad nationality when it comes to easiness of traveling : the Philippines.

Unfortunately, even with quarantine/restrictions, PH is probably the strictest in the world when it comes to rules and will probably remain closed for a VERY long time...

We wish to re-unite in a country with not too much timezone difference because she is studying online. The countries where she can theoretically easily get a VISA on arrival (tourist) are the following.

My question is basically : do you know if any of them is open at the moment / is planning to open back beginning of 2021 ? Thank you !!

India (eVISA, maybe the best for us, apparently she could stay 3 months) Georgia (apparently, eVISA is possible, for 3 months ?) Nepal (90 days, visa on arrival. Would that be possible ? Its one of my dream country though) ==> Not sure if any of these 3 are actually opened / planning to open soon ?

Cambodia / Indonesia / Laos / Malaysia / Singapore / Vietnam (All are 30 days, but I believe all fo them are very closed) Thailand (but 2 weeks quarantine in expensive hotel / not possible to stay together if you are not married... big no no....) Maldives (no quarantine apparently ? But I am really not attracted to that country for a long term stay though...)

Anywhere else I couldn't think of ? Advice's etc will be appreciated :)


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