Tasks to do before the first trip as a Digital Nomad

Danish Soomro
15 Oct, 2020
2 min read
Danish Soomro
15 Oct, 2020
2 min read


Hurrah, so you are now planning a first Trip as a digital nomads? Its really exciting and we are super happy for you. I am sure you will hangout with DN Nation members wherever you go. Lets not get away with the excitement and make sure you consider few important things before you hit the roads.

  • Set up an international banking system for you. It can save a lot of time and money if you have the right online international banking set up, it makes things a lot easier as well (link to banking page).
  •  Can you receive sms abroad for verification? As when you login from a new country. Many applications can block you out and send you sms code to verify. You can use a VPN, is highly recommended and make sure all your mobile devices are sufficiently secured, you do not want anyone nosing around in your data do you?
  • Setting up a long-term travel and health insurance. Make sure you know the difference and see whatever fits your needs the best (link to insurance page). 
  • Choose where to stay, whether it is for a long or short period of time. Make sure you have hotels or airbnb booked for atleast next 2-3 months. This is to make sure your work do not get interruption. Check out the REMOTE HOMES to find DN friendly Apartments and properties
  • Check Wifi speed at your accommodation. Yes, many destinations have crappy wifi and sometime property owners are not buying the top speed plans to save the cost. Please ask your host and its not too much to ask them exact plans and company so you can check online the details. 
  • Check out visa requirements for next destination, You must check in advance the visa requirements, duration and return ticket requirements before you start your trip. Consider getting a dual citizenship for tax reasons if you want to stay somewhere longer.

What do to do next if you are a Digital Nomad? 

Join the Community chat and post your trip so others can join you or meet you at the destination 

What do to do next if you are not yet a Digital Nomad yet? 

Check out the Remote Career Tool to systematically start your remote career
Become Digital Nomads Nation member to kick-start your journey.